Thursday, March 10, 2011


Game of Thrones debuts on HBO next month.  A Dance with Dragons will be released in July.  I think it is safe to say that 2011 is the year for A Song of Ice and Fire!

I've known about the show for awhile, but when Dance was given a release date last week, THAT caught me off guard.  I've read the entire series before, but I had been holding off on reading them again, awaiting that aforementioned release date.  I thought for sure there would be a long stretch of time between the announced finish of Dance with Dragons (note: the book is not ACTUALLY finished, but I am cautiously optimistic about this July 12 release date).  But now with the HBO series soon starting, and Book 5 on the horizon, I find that I do not recall the books quite as well as I thought I did.  I've read the first 3 books at least twice each, but I've only read A Feast for Crows the once, and that was devoured in less than a week.

What does all this mean?  It means that I need to read them all again!  And quickly!  And it occurs to me that a lot of folk are likely in the same position as me.  So, inspired by the lengthy (and excellent) Wheel of Time reread taking place over on I thought I'd post my thoughts on the series as I read it.

The plan is to follow the format Leigh Butler uses on her WOT reread, wherein I briefly summarize the chapter, followed by my thoughts.

I hope to do 2 chapters every weekday, but as I haven't actually started typing up yet I don't know if that's too ambitious, or not ambitious enough.  We shall see!


  1. I forgot my one major complaint in this entire series... I couldn't find a place on your blog to post it so I'll do it here.

    No Chapter Numbers...

    I cant tell you how many times I've lost my place and can't find out where I was reading... I'll reread chapters and just get mad. These books need chapter numbers. The names aren't good enough.

  2. I've seen some sites give the chapters an extra numeral to differentiate them, so it would be "Bran I" and then his next chapter would be "Bran II." What do you think, would it be easier if I adopted that system for this reread?

  3. I don't think so Pat. That'd confuse me more, I'll have to go through and count each one. Its just something I don't like, so I feel the need to announce my annoyance!
